Media & News

The California Tahoe Conservancy Board has approved two planning grants, totaling $590,000, for projects to improve recreation and public access at beaches in South Lake Tahoe and Kings Beach.

Last month, catastrophic wildfires burned through Southern California communities. Many of our fellow state agencies continue to contribute to recovery efforts. Closer to home, Lake Tahoe fire chiefs have shared...

Notice of Cancellation of EventCTA 24019 - Heavy Equipment ContractCalifornia Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy) is cancelling the below referenced event because the Conservancy did not receive enough bids to proceed. A...

The California Tahoe Conservancy's 2024 Annual Report is now available online. View the story map to learn more about accomplishments by the Conservancy and our partners towards our strategic plan goals.

As we close out 2024, I want to thank our staff and partners for a year of accomplishments and progress. Most noteworthy, the acquisition now called the Upper Truckee Marsh...

The California Tahoe Conservancy has awarded a $601,700 grant to the North Tahoe Fire Protection District for three years of work on programs to help reduce wildfire risk for north and west shore communities and their surrounding forests.

Notice is hereby given that the California Tahoe Conservancy intends to award this contract to Vet Corps Contracting, Inc.

November has brought snow to the Lake Tahoe Basin. Most of the California Tahoe Conservancy’s field work has wound down for the winter, with staff making plans for 2025 and...

November 20, 2024Contract CTA24022Eagle Rock Bolt RemovalNotice of Intent to Award ContractNotice is hereby given that the California Tahoe Conservancy intends to award this contract to:Ancient Forest Society870 Emerald Bay...

Contractor Questions and Answers for the Motel 6 Board Up Project.

Van Sickle Bi-State Park Closes to Cars for WinterTahoe Pines Parking Also Closing; Properties Remain Open All YearSouth Lake Tahoe, Calif.—The Van Sickle Bi-State Park gate closes to vehicles for...

We joined our partners last week in celebrating reauthorization of the federal Lake Tahoe Restoration Act, a critical element of how Tahoe projects—including many California Tahoe Conservancy projects—get funded. As...

Conservancy Board Also Authorizes Agreement for Continued Cross-Country Ski Area Operations on Conservancy Land Near Tahoe City, Grants $100,000 to Improve Interpretive Signage Along Upper Truckee River

California Tahoe Conservancy is cancelling the below referenced event in its entirety due to a change in scope. A new IFB will be posted if a new scope of work is developed.

Carnelian West and Patton Landing Beaches Are Open to the PublicThe California Tahoe Conservancy has reopened Carnelian West Beach effective 5:00 p.m. on July 31, 2024. Patton Landing Beach reopened...

The Lake Tahoe Basin has had a relatively mild wildfire year to date. But wildfires are burning across California, a stark reminder of the urgency for land managers and homeowners...

Tahoe Conservancy Awards $220,000 to Support Washoe Tribal Involvement in Environmental Planning, Restoration at TahoeConservancy Also Awards $150,000 for Invasive New Zealand Mudsnail SurveillanceSouth Lake Tahoe, Calif.—June 24, 2024—At its...

The Conservancy is proposing modifications to the text of the regulations. The modifications are being made available for public review and comment through February 21, 2024

May has delivered extraordinary natural events for the Sierra, with a major snowstorm to start the month and the spectacle of the aurora shining over Lake Tahoe. For the Conservancy,...

The California Tahoe Conservancy will begin coordinating surveys on 79 of its properties this year and wants to let neighbors know what to expect.

The California Tahoe Conservancy invites you to review our draft 2024–2029 Strategic Plan and provide comments.

On the heels of the 54th Earth Day, we join with our partners in celebrating what we have achieved together and committing to continue our focus on protecting the environment...

The Conservancy Board has approved two north shore grants: $1.2 million to Placer County to construct the North Tahoe Shared-Use Trail – Segment 1, and $81,000 to the Tahoe City Public Utility District to conduct an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions along with the North Tahoe Public Utility District.

State and Tahoe Partners Celebrate Opportunity to Acquire Environmentally Sensitive Land to Protect Habitat and Water Quality and Restore the River and Floodplain

The California Tahoe Conservancy Board has awarded a $600,000 grant to the USDA Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit for forestry operations as part of its joint project with the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California to restore Máyala Wáta (Meeks Meadow).

The Lake Tahoe Basin is finally under snow after a dry start to winter. We wish everyone a happy and healthy new year. In this month’s newsletter, we share a...

The California Tahoe Conservancy Board has awarded four grants, totaling $409,000, to nonprofit organizations to improve equitable access to Lake Tahoe’s beaches, trails, and mountains.

This month we share videos about forest management on Conservancy and partner lands, a farewell to our seasonal field crews, the latest installment of our Meet the Conservancy video series,...

Roads and visitor facilities at Van Sickle Bi-State Park will close for the winter season on November 13, announced the California Tahoe Conservancy, although park grounds remain open to the public

As we ease out of October, Tahoe has already received its first snow and temperatures are dropping. The California Tahoe Conservancy is shifting from another busy field season to winter...

Fall is here and Tahoe weather forecasts have begun to include chances of snowfall at the tops of mountains in the region. Field work continues at Lake Tahoe but soon...

The 27th Annual Lake Tahoe Summit’s theme was "Protecting Lake Tahoe: Sustainability and Stewardship in the Face of the Climate Crisis.” Underlying that theme was the acknowledgment by all the...

Field season is underway at Lake Tahoe. The Conservancy and our partners are making progress on projects to improve forest and wildfire resilience. We also recently announced new grants to...

The California Tahoe Conservancy has awarded a $500,000 grant to the nonprofit Wildlands Network, in partnership with Pathways for Wildlife, for a multi-year study of wildlife connectivity in the California side of the Lake Tahoe Basin. Understanding how wildlife move through and within the Basin will help land managers and other Basin partners protect the diversity of Tahoe wildlife species.

This week, the California Tahoe Conservancy will begin remediating lead paint on the historic barn at Van Sickle Bi-State Park.

The California Tahoe Conservancy has awarded two grants totaling $4,627,000 to build partner capacity for forest and wildfire resilience projects across the California side of the Lake Tahoe Basin.

At its meeting today, the California Tahoe Conservancy Board awarded a $1,000,000 grant to the City of South Lake Tahoe to continue constructing the Tahoe Valley Greenbelt and Stormwater Improvement Project. The City is improving water quality and wildlife habitat and upgrading trail connections for people walking and biking in the South Tahoe “Y” area.

Following the big winter, melting snow is allowing the Conservancy to begin field operations for the season. Our staff will address damage the storms caused on some forested Conservancy properties,...

Van Sickle Bi-State Park Facilities to Open May 15 for the SeasonSouth Lake Tahoe, Calif.âGates and facilities at Van Sickle Bi-State Park will open for the season on May 15,...

Starting today, the California Tahoe Conservancy is closing the Upper Truckee Marsh to dogs. This annual seasonal closure protects birds and other wildlife during the breeding season.

Spring weather has finally arrived at Lake Tahoe. Bears are awakening to find a deep snowpack, and all that melting snow is filling creeks and raising lake levels in the...

The California Tahoe Conservancy seeks proposals for services in support of its preparation of a strategic plan for 2024-2029. The primary element of this contract is writing and editing the...

The Conservancy seeks a contractor to provide communications support services.

The Conservancy Board approved a $250,000 grant to Tahoe Resource Conservation District for aquatic invasive plant surveillance and rapid response in Lake Tahoe.

April 12, 2023 Update: The Conservancy has announced an intention to award this contract to S. Groner Associates. | The California Tahoe Conservancy seeks a contractor to develop and implement a marketing campaign for the Lake Tahoe special interest license plate.

The California Tahoe Conservancy is proud to announce the election of Adam Acosta as its new Board Chair and Tamara Wallace as Vice-Chair. Acosta is the first Latino to Chair the Conservancy Board.

Winter has returned to Tahoe with gusto. When not shoveling, Conservancy employees have spent recent weeks planning our work for the year. Governor Gavin Newsom’s administration continues to prioritize reducing...

Tahoe Conservancy Continues to Pursue Acquisition of 31-acre Motel 6 Property South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—Today, the California Tahoe Conservancy Board approved actions allowing the Conservancy to continue pursuing acquisition of...

The California Tahoe Conservancy has awarded a $305,000 grant to the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California for work in the Lake Tahoe Basin to improve forest and watershed health and reduce wildfire risk. The grant helps increase the Tribe’s capacity to participate in forest, watershed, and wildfire resilience projects at Tahoe, as well as to advance the use of cultural prescribed burning and to cultivate culturally significant native plants.
Partnering to Reduce Wildfire Risk in the Lake Tahoe Basin (Opinion)The Caldor Fire was a reminder to our community that wildfires have and will continue to threaten the Lake Tahoe...

We are celebrating a major milestone at the Upper Truckee Marsh. Also, on the heels of the early snowfall last month, Governor Gavin Newsom and CAL FIRE announced the end...

January 23, 2023 update: The Conservancy has announced an intention to award this contract to WRA, Inc.CTA22030The Conservancy has solicited this request for proposals to explore the full complement of...

Construction Complete for Upper Truckee Marsh RestorationTahoe’s Largest Ever Wetland Restoration Wraps Up After Three Years of WorkSouth Lake Tahoe, Calif.—Major construction is complete for the multi-year Upper Truckee Marsh...

Conservancy Grants $5.2 million to Tahoe Partners to Restore Forest Resilience, Reduce Wildfire Risk
The California Tahoe Conservancy has awarded two grants, totaling $5.2 million, for work in the Lake Tahoe Basin to improve forest health and reduce wildfire risk.

Work is accelerating on the State’s goal to conserve 30 percent of California’s land and coastal waters by 2030. As outlined below, the Conservancy is contributing to this body of...

Gates and facilities at Van Sickle Bi-State Park will close for the winter season on November 1, announced the California Tahoe Conservancy. The park grounds remain open all year to pedestrian access.

Conservancy Grants $449,000 to Expand “Outdoors for All” at TahoeSouth Lake Tahoe, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy) has awarded four grants, totaling $449,000, to support environmental education for underserved Tahoe...

On September 12, the Conservancy will begin final work to improve a trail to Lake Tahoe at the Upper Truckee Marsh. The unpaved, shared-use trail runs approximately a half mile from the east end of Venice Drive to a beach at Lake Tahoe. The Conservancy will close the trail temporarily during active construction.

Fire season is far from over, but one year after the Caldor Fire, we can celebrate having had a summer largely free of wildfire disruptions, allowing us and our partners...

The California Tahoe Conservancy is awarding a $406,500 grant to the Tahoe Resource Conservation District to update critical plans to reduce wildfire danger to Tahoe communities. Tahoe RCD will coordinate regional efforts to update Tahoe’s “pre-attack plans” and the Lake Tahoe Basin Community Wildfire and Protection Plan to reflect lessons learned from the 2021 Caldor Fire.

As we near the middle of summer, Conservancy field operations are in full swing. Multiple restoration projects are underway, along with efforts to improve forest resilience and reduce wildfire risk....

South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy’s Board has appointed Jason Vasques as the Conservancy’s new executive director. Vasques takes the reins at a pivotal time for the state agency...

Conservancy and Tahoe Partners Also Dedicate Dennis T. Machida Memorial Greenway. | The California Tahoe Conservancy will begin planning a new project to restore a section of the Upper Truckee River in El Dorado County. The project will help Lake Tahoe’s largest inflowing stream become more resilient to climate change and will protect Lake Tahoe’s famous water clarity.

The California Tahoe Conservancy invites you to celebrate the completion of critical sections of the Dennis T. Machida Memorial Greenway and to honor the legacy of Dennis T. Machida, the...

May is National Wildfire Awareness Month, as well the unofficial start of the summer recreation season at Tahoe. Read on for new updates on Conservancy staff and crews, wildfire awareness,...

South Lake Tahoe, Calif.— The California Tahoe Conservancy has announced the start of the annual seasonal dog closure at the Upper Truckee Marsh. From May 1 through July 31, people...

Spring is in the air. Despite this week's welcome storms, the snowpack is melting fast. The Conservancy is preparing for field season. We look forward to celebrating Earth Day this...

South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy today announced $1,005,800 in grants to local government agencies. The grants will support projects to expand public access to Lake Tahoe, improve water...

June 13, 2022 update: The Conservancy has announced an intention to award this contract to Equity and Wellness Institute.Updated on March 21, 2022. See below for responses to questions received....

The California Tahoe Conservancy’s 2021 Annual Report is now available online as a story map. Learn more about the Conservancy’s accomplishments last year towards its strategic plan goals:Stewarding Conservancy Lands and Protecting...

Amid a winter that has brought a boom-and-bust cycle for snowfall, the Conservancy staff is planning for a busy 2022. With our partners and your support, we look forward to...

The Conservancy's December 2021 Newsletter is now available online. This month: a new video about the Upper Truckee Marsh Restoration Project, plus updates on new bike trails, projects to reduce wildfire risk, and more.

Conservancy Also Renames Trail in Memory of Dennis Machida, Conservancy’s First Executive Officer - At its meeting today, the California Tahoe Conservancy Board adopted new forestry guidelines that will help increase the pace and scale of the Conservancy’s work to reduce wildfire risk to Tahoe communities and improve forest resilience. The Board also authorized a program budget of up to $50 million for the Conservancy to begin implementing work under the new guidelines.

The California Tahoe Conservancy announces that the gates and facilities at Van Sickle Bi-State Park have closed for the winter season. Although roads and facilities are closed, the park grounds remain open to pedestrian access year-round.

After the fires and a record-breaking hot, dry summer, October has brought welcome rain and snow. Better news still, the Caldor Fire is now 100 percent contained. Here in the...

Governor Gavin Newsom has signed into law a funding package that includes $36 million for the Conservancy to restore forests and reduce wildfire risk at Lake Tahoe. The package includes an additional $5.25 million to help improve Tahoe’s resilience to climate change impacts.

Evacuated Conservancy employees are returning home, allowing our operations to resume. We share the profound gratitude expressed by so many to the firefighters and public safety personnel who protected our community. We look forward to helping our region recover. Read more in this special update.

In light of disruptions caused by the Caldor Fire, the California Tahoe Conservancy is extending the deadline for Round 4 of the Conservancy’s Proposition 1 Grant Program. Applications are now due Friday, October 15, 2021.

Update: With area evacuation orders downgraded or ended, Conservancy operations have resumed. The Conservancy office remains closed because of COVID-19 to protect the public health and Conservancy staff. All services...

Update: All temporary closures ended on Friday, September 17, 2021. ---------August 23, 2021---The California Tahoe Conservancy is joining with Lake Tahoe Basin partners in temporarily closing some of its recreation sites...

Wildfire Near Lake Tahoe Shows We Must Adapt How We Care for Our Lands — and Quickly Fire officials recently allowed my family to return to our home in Markleeville...
The California Tahoe Conservancy has released for public review the Initial Study and Proposed Negative Declaration for the Land Bank Pier Program.

South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—At its meeting today, the California Tahoe Conservancy Board agreed to provide $150,000 to the USDA Forest Service, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU) to construct a...

With unseasonably warm weather, it is starting to feel like summer at Lake Tahoe. Along with our Lake Tahoe Basin partners, the Conservancy is preparing for what will likely be...

South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy has begun its annual seasonal dog closure at the Upper Truckee Marsh. From May 1 through July 31, dogs may not access sensitive...

Spring at Lake Tahoe can be full of sunshine and wildflowers emerging. Sometimes it can also bring a few more feet of snow. Across the west, drought conditions are returning,...

South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—At its virtual meeting today, the California Tahoe Conservancy Board discussed building community and climate resilience with state and federal partners, and authorized $1,358,500 for three projects...

How Is Climate Change Affecting Lake Tahoe, and How Are We Adapting?This story map highlights how climate change is expected to impact the Lake Tahoe Basin (Basin) in the coming...

It’s winter, yet some of the Conservancy’s fieldwork continues—staff is able to conduct more prescribed burning when there is snow on the ground. Most of us, however, are thinking about...

The California Tahoe Conservancy's 2020 Annual Report is now available online as a story map. Learn more about the Conservancy's accomplishments last year towards its strategic plan goals: Stewarding Conservancy...
In 2020, the Conservancy continued improving forest health on its lands along Dollar Creek in north Lake Tahoe. The Conservancy is restoring forest resilience and protecting adjacent neighborhoods by thinning...

South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy Board has awarded a $380,454 grant to the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California for the Máyala Wáta Restoration Project at Meeks Meadow.“The...

Snow is on the mountains and the Conservancy is moving from the field season to winter operations. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I want to acknowledge everyone who has helped...

Park grounds remain open during winterSouth Lake Tahoe, Calif.– The California Tahoe Conservancy announces that the gates to Van Sickle Bi-State Park have closed for the winter season. Although roads...

The aspens leaves are gold and nights have turned cold at Lake Tahoe. As the season turns, it highlights the many changes we have faced over the year: our lives...

State Agency Has Completed Public Access Improvements and Floodplain Restoration at Former Campground Site Along Lake Tahoe’s Largest TributaryMeyers, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy has reopened its Tahoe Pines property to...

South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—At its virtual meeting today, the California Tahoe Conservancy Board awarded $523,500 in grants to support programs and projects that will improve forest health and reduce the...
September 20 Update --- The Conservancy has lifted these closures. ---------------------------The California Tahoe Conservancy has temporarily closed multiple high-use Conservancy properties to protect public safety. The Conservancy intends these closures to...

2020 Lake Tahoe Summit Updates | Story MapThe theme of the 2020 Lake Tahoe Summit is Resilient Tahoe. To the California Tahoe Conservancy, a Resilient Tahoe means a clear and...
September 14 Update: The Conservancy has announced an intention to award this contract to S. Groner Associates. -------------------------------------August 24 Update: See below for questions the Conservancy has received and the Conservancy's...

Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, host of the 2020 Lake Tahoe Summit, has set resilience as this year’s summit theme. Despite so many changes related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Conservancy staff...
South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy announced today that Jane Freeman has been appointed Acting Executive Director as part of a leadership transition related to the State of California’s...

Related California and St. Joseph Community Land Trust to Build Affordable Housing under Governor’s Executive OrderSouth Lake Tahoe, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy) announced today a major milestone in realizing...
South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy announces new temporary public access changes and potential traffic impacts starting in July at the Upper Truckee Marsh. Public access will be limited...
Conservancy awards an additional $1.5 million for lakefront recreation and biomass effortsSouth Lake Tahoe, Calif.—June 25, 2020—The California Tahoe Conservancy today awarded a $425,000 grant to the City of South...

South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy Board will meet online on Thursday, June 25 at 9:30 a.m. to consider authorization for awarding grants related to public access improvements, climate...

Like so many others, the Conservancy has operated remotely since March in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite that, this recent time has been a surprisingly productive period for our...

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif.— The USDA Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU), California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy), and Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) have extended the scoping period for...

South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy has announced its annual seasonal dog closure at the Upper Truckee Marsh. From May 1 through July 31, dogs may not access sensitive...

Meyers, Calif.—This week, the California Tahoe Conservancy begins constructing new accessible-to-all trails and other public access features along the Upper Truckee River in Meyers. Working on the site of the...
NOTICE OF INTENTThe California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy) has released for public review the Initial Study and Proposed Negative Declaration (IS/ND) for the Biomass Transport and Utilization Project (Project).Initial Study/ Negative...

Upper Truckee River Marsh Project A Legacy of Ill-planned Tahoe Keys DevelopmentSouth Lake Tahoe, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy announced today that construction has begun on restoring the Upper Truckee River...

Despite unprecedented challenges, the California Tahoe Conservancy’s work moves forward.Almost everything has changed. Like so many, all Conservancy staff now work remotely. Their health, and the health of the community,...

Release Date: April 10, 2020To: California and Nevada State Clearinghouses, Cooperating Agencies, California Responsible and Trustee Agencies, Other Public Agencies, Interested Individuals and OrganizationsSubject: Scoping Notice and Notice of Preparation...

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif.— The USDA Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, California Tahoe Conservancy, and Tahoe Regional Planning Agency seek public input on the proposed Lake Tahoe West...

South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—April 7, 2020—The California Tahoe Conservancy and its partners will host a virtual meeting on April 23 to update the community about housing needs and potential solutions...

Sacramento, Calif.—At its meeting on Thursday, the California Tahoe Conservancy authorized $912,000 for grants to advance climate change adaptation and improve community sustainability in the Lake Tahoe Basin (Basin).The Conservancy...

The California Tahoe Conservancy's 2019 Annual Report is now available online as a story map. Learn more about the Conservancy's accomplishments last year towards its strategic plan goals:Stewarding Conservancy Lands...

Stateline, Nev.—The California Tahoe Conservancy, South Tahoe Public Utility District, Tahoe Transportation District, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, and their partners invite community members to a public meeting about climate change...

With snow covering the Lake Tahoe Basin, winter provides time for the Conservancy to plan ahead. Governor Gavin Newsom has addressed two key issues for Lake Tahoe in his recently...

The California Tahoe Conservancy has completed the first of two projects to restore forest health and combat climate change on Conservancy land along Dollar Creek in Placer County.

South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—At its meeting on Thursday, the California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy) Board authorized spending $1,036,750 to implement three high-priority projects to reduce fire risk and improve forest health...

Tahoe Conservancy Hosts Community Meeting on Housing Crisis and How Conservancy Asset Lands Can Help
South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy), joined by state and local partner agencies, hosted a community meeting Wednesday night on the housing crisis and potential solutions using Conservancy...
The Conservancy provides grants for a wide variety of projects throughout the Lake Tahoe Basin (Basin), including those identified in the Environmental Improvement Program (EIP). Such grants are a primary...

As we near the holidays, we have much to be thankful for at the Conservancy. We’re grateful to our partners, our staff, and all who we worked with this past...

South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—The California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) has awarded $2.98 million to the California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy) to help restore the Upper Truckee Marsh, the largest wetland in...

The California Tahoe Conservancy and its State and local partners invite the public to a community meeting to discuss opportunities to help address the housing crisis in South Lake Tahoe:Community...

Conservancy Board also Approves Project to Improve Lake Access in South Lake TahoeSouth Lake Tahoe, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy) will launch a $1.06-million project to restore forest health and...

Tahoe has had its first snow, and our staff, crews, and contractors are working hard to finish this season’s projects. Last month, we welcomed new governors for both California and...

RESD-PMDB 2019-03 / 14200 Lake Tahoe WestCalifornia Tahoe ConservancyWestern Watersheds of the Tahoe BasinPlacer and El Dorado Counties, CAProvide professional Environmental services as required to prepare environmental studies and documents...

Meyers, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy) is restarting restoration of the former Tahoe Pines Campground in Meyers, California. Rehabilitating the riverfront site is a key step to restoring lands along...

Meyers, California—At its meeting today, the California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy) Board approved a grant of up to $240,286 to California State Parks for forest health management at Burton Creek State...
November 12, 2019Contract #CTA 19 002 | PDF RemediationNotice of Intent to Award ContractNotice is hereby given that the California Tahoe Conservancy intends to award this contract to:Technology Crest Corporation2377 Gold...
We are deep into summer and Lake Tahoe remains full to its brim. High lake levels make for smaller beaches, and I want to thank our staff and crews for...

Meyers, Calif.—July 24, 2019—The California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy) seeks public input on how its nine Meyers-area “asset lands” could help improve the Meyers community.The Conservancy invites the public to join...

Tahoe Athlete Supports Recreation, Conservation Projects Funded by License Plate FeesTAHOE CITY, Calif.—Professional cycling legend Levi Leipheimer has finished shooting public service ads in support of the Lake Tahoe specialty...

South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy) and its partners invite community members to a public meeting about climate change impacts to key Lake Tahoe resources on July 16...

South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy) will limit public access and temporarily close portions of some south shore beaches at Lake Tahoe for public safety and to protect...

Kings Beach, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy will begin exploring how two of its developable parcels could help improve Kings Beach and implement elements of Placer County’s Tahoe Basin Area Plan.At...

A pair of peregrine falcons is nesting at Eagle Rock along a commonly used rock climbing route. The California Tahoe Conservancy asks rock climbers to please not climb on Eagle...
The California Tahoe Conservancy's stakeholder survey has ended. Thank you to everyone who participated.

South Lake Tahoe, Calif. – The California Tahoe Conservancy is once again offering free firewood gathering permits through its Community Firewood Program. Cut wood will be available starting June 3,...
It wouldn’t be May at Lake Tahoe without a little snow. Despite that, for the Conservancy this time of year kicks off the field season for restoration efforts large and...
Please join the California Tahoe Conservancy for a meeting to learn about and help contribute to the Greater Upper Truckee River Watershed Synthesis.LogisticsDate: Thursday, June 27Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m.Location: Hotel Azure,...

South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy) announces its annual seasonal dog closure at the Upper Truckee Marsh from May 1 through July 31. The purpose of the closure...

Sacramento, Calif.—At its Board meeting yesterday, the California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy) accepted a $1.95 million grant from the Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) to co-manage the Tahoe-Central Sierra Initiative (TCSI), a...

The Nevada Division of State Parks and the California Tahoe Conservancy want your feedback! This bi-state partnership is updating the vision plan for Van Sickle Bi-State Park and welcomes your...

The California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy) seeks proposals to manage its popular Patton Landing lakefront recreation site in Carnelian Bay. Proposals are due by May 31, 2019.View the full Request for...

The California Tahoe Conservancy has announced its intent to help address the Lake Tahoe Basin’s housing crisis by pursuing a partnership to develop “affordable by design” housing on one of...

The California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy) is seeking the services of a consultant or firm to assist with graphic design for the Lake Tahoe Climate Adaptation Action Plan. Specifically, the Conservancy...

South Lake Tahoe, Calif.—The California Tahoe Conservancy today kicked off public comment on a draft plan to improve access for people with disabilities at five Conservancy-owned recreation sites.“Recreation and public...

The California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy) has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the purchase and development of 833 Emerald Bay Road, South Lake Tahoe, California. Located on Highway 89...





The California Tahoe Conservancy Board will consider a recommendation at the September 15, 2016 Board meeting to authorize pre-sale activities on four previously designated, Conservancy-owned asset land parcels in the...












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