Published: Nov 07, 2014

South Lake Tahoe, Calif. – November 7, 2014 –The California Tahoe Conservancy began posting property tags today to help the public better identify its lands in the south shore.
The bright 4×6 inch signs featuring the Conservancy logo will be placed on trees on 1,000 lots in the City of South Lake Tahoe and into Meyers this fall and winter. The Conservancy will employ a phased approach to sign all 4,700 properties throughout the California side of the Basin in the upcoming years.
“We often receive phone calls asking if we own a certain parcel,” said California Tahoe Conservancy Executive Director Patrick Wright. “These property tags, like those of the Forest Service, should help eliminate some of that confusion for the public, our staff and other land managers.”
The Conservancy’s Land Management Program works in conjunction with Tahoe Resource Conservation District (TRCD) and Clean Tahoe to manage these lands on behalf of the people of California.
In addition to signing properties, the Conservancy conducts year-round inspection, maintenance, and restoration projects on its urban lots. This year they have inspected over 2,415 properties, restored over 63,000 square feet of disturbed area, planted hundreds of native plants, and completed 33 restoration projects.
One of the agency’s major projects this season was to improve the South Shore Bike Trail on Conservancy land near Highland Woods by replacing 450 feet of precarious barbed wire fence with new timber fence. Staff also restored a Conservancy lot along the bike path that was used for illegal parking and snow storage. The lot now serves as open space for bike riders as well as an area to capture and treat runoff.
The Conservancy encourages neighbors to notify them at (530) 542-5580 or via email at about any issues on these lands.
Established in 1984, the mission of the Tahoe Conservancy is to lead California’s efforts to restore and enhance the extraordinary natural and recreational resources of the Lake Tahoe Basin.
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