The California Tahoe Conservancy was established in 1984 to address resource needs in the Lake Tahoe Basin, including protecting and restoring the natural environment, especially water quality; enhancing wildlife habitat; providing public access and recreation opportunities; and managing public land at Lake Tahoe. In response, the Conservancy has implemented the following program areas:
- Climate Change Adaptation
- Forestry
- Land Management
- Recreation and Public Access
- Tahoe Livable Communities
- Water Quality and Watersheds
Since 1997, the Conservancy’s programmatic efforts have been focused on the State of California’s commitment to the implementation of the Environmental Improvement Program (EIP) for the Tahoe Basin and to address rapidly declining resource values at Lake Tahoe as soon as possible. This commitment is reflected in various agreements between the State of California and the State of Nevada, the Federal Government, and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA); and in the budgetary priority placed on funding the EIP during the past twelve fiscal years. In implementing its programs, the Conservancy uses a dual approach. First, the Conservancy may acquire land or implement projects directly using capital outlay funding for projects on Conservancy-owned lands. Second, the Conservancy may award grants to other public agencies and qualified nonprofit organizations for acquisition or improvement projects using local assistance funds as provided in its enabling legislation (Government Code Title 7.42, Section 66905 et seq.). This dual strategy has several advantages in allowing the Conservancy to implement comprehensive set of programs addressing the full range of resource issues in the Tahoe Basin by allowing it to take advantage of the land ownerships and project implementation and maintenance capabilities of its grantees.