Published: Jun 13, 2018
The Conservancy, as lead agency under CEQA, has released for public review the joint CEQA and Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Initial Study and Proposed Negative Declaration (IS/ND) and Initial Environmental Checklist and Finding of No Significant Effect (IEC/FONSE) for the Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association (TKPOA) Corporation Yard Relocation Project (project). The project involves the relocation and reconstruction of the TKPOA corporation yard from a 2.21-acre site within the Upper Truckee Marsh to a 0.99-acre parcel adjacent to the Tahoe Keys Marina on Venice Drive in the City of South Lake Tahoe.
The IS/ND and IEC/FONSE is available for public review and comments for 30-days from June 12, 2018 to July 13, 2018.
Please submit any comments to Scott Carroll at or (530) 543-6062.