Published: Jul 31, 2024

Carnelian West and Patton Landing Beaches Are Open to the Public

The California Tahoe Conservancy has reopened Carnelian West Beach effective 5:00 p.m. on July 31, 2024. Patton Landing Beach reopened on July 25. Placer County Environmental Health has declared that residents and visitors may resume water contact and recreation activities at these locations, ending a shoreline health advisory caused by a sewage spill.  Some portions of Carnelian West may at times close for repairs related to the spill, but the beach and restrooms will remain open.

For more information about the sewage spill and steps agencies are taking to protect public health and the environment, please visit the website of the North Tahoe Public Utility District.

Water samples were taken at the shoreline and may not be representative of water quality in the bay and away from the shore. Naturally occurring bacteria is present in all natural water bodies.