How to Purchase Land Coverage and Other Development Rights
The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) Code of Ordinancesopens in a new window provides the official policy regarding development rights and land coverage in the Lake Tahoe Basin.
Step 1. Find your parcel’s information.
Visit the TRPA website.
Is your project on a residential lot developed before July 1, 1987?
Search for your Bailey Land Capability score.
Is your project on a residential, undeveloped lot, or one developed after July 1, 1987?
Search for your Individual Parcel Evaluation System (IPES) score.
Is your project commercial?
Search for your Bailey Capability Land score.
Step 2. Review the Conservancy’s Prices and Forms
Review the Land Coverage and Development Rights Prices and Forms to find information and pricing that matches your proposed project.
Step 3. Contact the Conservancy Land Bank
Email or phone (530) 542-5580.
Timing to Process Land Bank Transactions
Please allow up to 12 weeks for the Conservancy to process Land Bank transactions.
Land Coverage and Development Rights
The California Tahoe Conservancy’s Land Bank Program acquires and restores property. For a small portion of the Conservancy’s restored properties, the parcel’s related land coverage and development rights may then be sold and transferred to eligible buyers. The program helps landowners meet TRPA permitting requirements to build in appropriate areas.
Example: Auto wrecking yard in meadow. Acquired, removed, and restored.
Land Bank Contact
Email questions to or call (530) 543-6033.