Special Use

Overview of Special Uses

A “special use” involves the grant of a license or other permission to a public entity or private party to use Conservancy land. The Conservancy classifies special uses based on the duration as outlined below:

Temporary Use:

  • Use of Conservancy land lasts five days or less.
  • Use is granted pursuant to a license agreement.
  • Use may require California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analysis and Conservancy Board authorization.

Short Term Use:

  • Use of Conservancy land lasts more than five days but less than three years.
  • Use is granted pursuant to a license agreement.
  • Use may require CEQA analysis and Conservancy Board authorization.

Long Term Use:

  • Use of Conservancy land lasts three years or more, but is not permanent.
  • Use is granted pursuant to a license agreement.
  • Use may require sale if land is rendered unusable by use or improvement.
  • Use requires prior CEQA analysis and Conservancy Board authorization.

Permanent Use

  • Use of Conservancy land is permanent.
  • Use is granted pursuant to an easement.

Special Use Request Application Process

To receive a Special Use license, lease, or easement from the Conservancy, complete a Special Use Request Application. The Conservancy accepts applications at any time. The Conservancy grants Special Uses on a first come, first served basis. The Conservancy may take up to 30 days to review the application for completeness and up to 90 days for processing from the date the application is deemed complete, unless environmental review or Board approval is required. The Conservancy may not consider applications if submitted less than 14 business days before the date of the event.

A special use request may require environmental review and Conservancy Board approval depending on the nature of the activity (i.e. the environmental impact and duration). If environmental review or Conservancy Board approval is required, plan accordingly because the Conservancy Board typically meets four times per year. The Conservancy does not guarantee Special Use reservations until receiving signed compliance documents, full payment of all fees, and proof of insurance (if required).

To apply for a special use request of Conservancy land, complete an application form and submit it to the Conservancy with all required attachments.  Submit electronic applications via email to special.uses@tahoe.ca.gov. If the Conservancy determines that you submitted the incorrect application, the Conservancy will ask for resubmittal of the correct application.

Please plan for up to 30 days for the Conservancy to review your special use request and determine if the request meets our guidelines.

The special use application forms and guidelines are located here:

Temporary Use Application

Short Term Use Application

Long Term Use Application

Special Use Guidelines

Completeness of Application

The Conservancy will not consider your Special Use requests until you provide all required information as requested in the Special Use Request Application. You must prepare and provide all necessary documents applicable to the proposed use or activity. You must submit all project details, including, but not limited to, maps, list of needed permits, and reasonable or feasible alternative justification with the application. The Conservancy generally requires liability insurance. The Conservancy must be listed as additional insured on all special use requests lasting longer than five days and of a hazardous nature.

Fees associated with Special Uses

The Conservancy may charge for use of property including recovery of the reasonable cost of providing its staff services related to the issuance of the License or Special use Permit. For easements, the Conservancy requires compensation based upon a market estimate for the fair market value of the long-term interest.  Please see the Special Use Guidelines for additional information.

The use of state property for commercial filming (motion picture and still photography) is evaluated pursuant to Government Code Sections 14998.8 et seq., which assures a “one stop” permitting process through the California Film Commission.