Supplement to Conservancy Board Procedures

Section 1. Overview and Purpose

Pursuant to Government Code section 11133, certain provisions of the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act (Bagley-Keene Act) are suspended temporarily. This statute waives the requirement to make a physical location available for members of the public to observe the meeting and offer public comment. This guidance provides a temporary supplement to the Conservancy Board Procedures (Board Procedures) to summarize the key aspects of the statute as it relates to the Board Procedures for purposes of holding the virtual meeting. This guidance does not replace the Board Procedures and Board members should continue to refer to the Board Procedures for general guidance.

Section 2. Joining the Meeting (Meeting Specific)

Board members should join the meeting using either of the following steps:

Join the meeting using Zoom Webinar:

The webinar ID is 873 1527 1233.

Join the meeting by telephone: (669) 900-6833, (346) 248-7799, (253) 215-8782, (301) 715-8592, (312) 626-6799, or (929) 205-6099

Additional Information: Additional information about the March 2022 Board meeting is available at the following websites:

Board Agenda:

Public Participation Guide:

Board Member Technical Assistance: Contact or 530-543-6028 for technical assistance and questions on the day of the meeting.

Section 3. Teleconference Location and Physical Locations of Board Members

The Board meeting will be conducted virtually through the Zoom Webinar platform, with a teleconference option. Notice of the time of the meeting, Zoom Webinar address, and agenda are be posted in accordance with the Bagley-Keene Act on the Conservancy’s website. The physical locations from which Board members will join the meeting do not need to be noticed, nor do such locations need to be open to the public. Board members may join the meeting from outside the jurisdiction boundaries.

Section 4. Board Member Communications

The Bagley-Keene Act expressly prohibits Board members from communicating outside of an open meeting about any topic that is within the subject matter of the Board’s authority. (Gov. Code, § 11122.5(b); see also Section 16 of the Board Procedures). This rule remains applicable during a virtual meeting. To avoid potential violations, the “chat” and “Q & A” functions of the Zoom Webinar will be disabled during the meeting. Board members should not communicate outside of the meeting with other Board members or staff, using any other platform or technology (e.g., text, phone, alternative messaging application, etc.).

A Board member wishing to speak during the meeting should either wave their hand physically or take themselves off mute and ask to be called on by the Chair. Once the Chair calls on the Board member, they may unmute themselves to speak and state their name for the record. Once the Board member has finished speaking, they should mute themselves.

Section 5. Public Comment

Pursuant to the Bagley-Keene Act, the Board shall allow for public comment during the open session of Board meetings on all matters on the agenda. (Gov. Code, § 11125.7(a); see also Section 6 of the Board Procedures). This rule remains applicable during a virtual meeting. As with in-person meetings, the public will have a chance to comment after each staff presentation and before the Board’s vote.

Methods of Providing Public Comment: The public may provide comments for the Board meeting any of the following ways:

  1. Provide written comments by sending an email to All such written comments will be part of the public record and shared with the Board but will not be read aloud during the Board meeting.
  2. Provide written comments to be read aloud during the Board meeting by submitting comments using the Conservancy’s public comment form, which is available at: All written comments submitted using the form will be shared with the Board, but only those received by 5:00 p.m. the day before the meeting will be read aloud during the meeting.
  3. Provide oral comments during the meeting by notifying the Conservancy through the Conservancy’s public comment form, which is available at:
  4. Provide oral comments during the meeting by using the “raise your hand” feature on Zoom Webinar online or by telephone.

Oral and written comments provided during the meeting will be limited to 3,000 words (written) or 3 minutes (oral).

Section 6. Voting

When the Board Chair requests a roll-call vote, each individual Board member must indicate their vote (“aye/yes,” “nay/no,” or “abstain”) following the call of their name by the Board clerk (who may be a designated Conservancy staff member). A roll-call vote is required for any action taken during a meeting held by teleconference, any action taken during an emergency meeting, and any action taken during a closed session involving personnel actions. (See Gov. Code, §§ 11123, subd. (b)(1)(D); 11125.5, subd. (d); 11125.2; see also Section 4 of the Board Procedures). A roll-call vote may also be the superior method for tracking Board votes on more controversial or complex agenda items.

Virtual Voting: During a virtual or teleconference Board meeting, any Board action requiring a vote will happen by roll-call. During a roll-call vote, following the call of the Board member’s name, the Board member called must unmute themselves, indicate their vote (“aye/yes,” “nay/no,” or “abstain”) and then mute again.

Board Information

Board Members

The Tahoe Conservancy Board is comprised of eight members – seven voting and one ex-officio. Meet our Board members.

Contact Info
(530) 542-5580

Procedures and Guidance

Conservancy Board Procedures

Virtual Board Meeting Guidance