Frequently Asked Questions: Greater Upper Truckee River Watershed Partnership

View map of the Greater Upper Truckee River Watershed Partnership Area [PDF 6.5 MB]

Q: What is the Greater Upper Truckee River Watershed Partnership?
A: The Greater Upper Truckee River Watershed Partnership (Partnership) is a new collaborative
initiative that aims to link the variety of existing resource protection and restoration, recreation, and
transportation projects within the region. The greater watershed primarily includes the Upper Truckee River
and Trout Creek watersheds, but also contains some smaller adjacent watersheds (Bijou, Bijou Park, Camp
Richardson, Taylor, and Tallac). This planning area covers Lake Tahoe’s south shore, and complements the
adjacent Lake Tahoe West Restoration Partnership. In future years, the Partnership may decide to conduct
additional scientific analyses, formalize its governance, and develop multi-benefit projects together.
The initial product will be a concise Synthesis that presents an inventory of existing programs and projects,
identifies gaps therein and corresponding future information needs, and provides a basic vision for a resilient

The two goals of the Synthesis are to:

  1. Create synergies and efficiencies for implementing ongoing projects, thereby increasing their individual
    and collective benefits, and
  2. Provide an opportunity to coordinate implementation timelines and potential grant funding

Q: Will the Synthesis disrupt ongoing projects?
A: The Synthesis will not disrupt ongoing projects. However, the Synthesis aims to provide some
valuable insights that can improve coordination and synergy between such projects. As part of the Synthesis
development, partners will consider next steps to advance strategic watershed management.

Q: Who is convening the Synthesis process? What is the role of the California Tahoe Conservancy?
A: The California Tahoe Conservancy is convening the Synthesis. The Conservancy is funding a neutral,
third-party facilitator to identify and build areas of agreement among the agencies and stakeholders.
Individual agencies will retain authority on their respective projects, programs, and activities.

Q: What agencies are involved in the Synthesis?
A: The Synthesis is a collaborative effort involving a broad spectrum of public agencies and tribal
governments. The Conservancy will invite representatives from agencies that plan, implement, fund, and
regulate projects, programs, and activities in the watershed.

Q: How and when will stakeholders and members of the public be involved? Will there be a comment
A: The Conservancy will invite stakeholders and the public to participate in two meetings during the
Synthesis development. First, the Conservancy and its consultants will facilitate a public launch meeting at the
start of the process, which will provide background information on the existing programs in the greater
watershed, outline existing agency roles, initiate gap analysis, and solicit feedback and input. There will also be
a second public meeting to present results of the first draft of the synthesis and solicit additional comments
and suggestions from the public. The Conservancy will invite all interested parties to attend, including
organizations, community groups, non-governmental agencies, homeowners associations, research
institutions, and other individual interested parties.

The Conservancy will advertise the meetings by posting a notice on its website and via email distribution.
There will be opportunities to provide verbal comments at these meetings, as well as submit written

Q: What is the role of the Upper Truckee River Watershed Advisory Group (UTRWAG) in developing
the Synthesis?
ANSWER: For context, UTRWAG is an advisory group that facilitates discussions and coordination of
restoration projects in the Upper Truckee River Watershed, focusing on major river projects along the riparian
corridor. UTRWAG serves as a forum for information sharing, and provides collegial guidance and informal
peer review. UTRWAG is not a decision-making body with authority over the activities of members, nor does it
take formal positions on specific projects. UTRWAG will not play a special role in developing the Synthesis.
However, the Conservancy will invite and welcomes UTRWAG members to participate as representatives of
their individual agencies.

Q: When does Synthesis development start, and what are the milestones and dates?
A: The Conservancy started planning this initiative in the summer of 2018, when the Conservancy and
its consultants (Kearns & West) began to outline the process and purpose of the Synthesis. The Conservancy
will introduce the initiative in the first round of agency and public meetings, and then the Conservancy and its
consultants will further develop the draft synthesis. At the second round of agency and public meetings later
in 2019, the Conservancy and its consultants will present the draft Synthesis and seek additional input before
finalizing the document.

Q: Will an independent science panel review the Synthesis?
A: The Conservancy does not anticipate employing an independent science review panel to review the
Synthesis. The Synthesis is not a project-level document. Rather, it focuses on compiling and linking existing
programs and projects, not new analyses or actions. Partner agencies will provide the foundational expertise
for the Synthesis, but we will welcome additional feedback and comments from all parties, including members
of the science community.