California Tahoe Conservancy Board meeting
Online Meeting | June 17, 2021
Meeting Agenda
Thursday, June 17, 2021 at 9:30 a.m.
Location: Virtual Board Meeting – Zoom Webinar
(information provided below)
Pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20 issued by Governor Gavin Newsom on March 17, 2020, certain provisions of the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act are suspended due to a State of Emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the requirement to make a physical location available from which members of the public may gather to observe the meeting and offer public comment. Consistent with this Executive Order, this Board meeting will be conducted virtually through the Zoom Webinar Platform, with a teleconference option. Members of the public may join the meeting using either of the following steps:
Join the meeting using Zoom Webinar:
Join the meeting by telephone: (669) 900-6833, (346) 248-7799, (253) 215-8782, (929) 205-6099, (301) 715-8592, or (312) 626-6799
The webinar ID is 964 4717 8687.
Public comment: The public is welcome to participate in the meeting by observing and by providing written and oral comments. Public comment will be taken at the appropriate time during each agenda item and during the time allotted for public comment on items not on the agenda. Additional information on public participation and ways to provide public comment is available on the Conservancy website at
Meeting materials: Meeting materials will be available on the Conservancy website in advance of the meeting. For additional information, please contact the Conservancy at or (530) 542-5580.
Technical assistance: For technical assistance in joining the meeting on June 17 by telephone or Zoom Webinar link, please contact the Conservancy at or (530) 543-6028.
Reasonable accommodation: Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting should contact the Conservancy at or (530) 542-5580 no later than five (5) working days prior to the meeting.
1. Roll Call
2. Consent Items
a. Approval of March Minutes (action) (Resolution 21-06-01)
b. Approval of April Minutes (action) (Resolution 21-06-02)
c. Approval of Board Agenda (action) (Resolution 21-06-03)
d. Tahoe Mountain Cell Tower Short-Term License Agreement and Permanent Easements (action): Consideration and possible authorization to execute 1) a short-term license agreement with New Cingular Wireless (AT&T) allowing use of an existing road that crosses Conservancy property (El Dorado County Assessment Numbers (AN) 032-050-020, 032-050-022, and 032-050-069) (Existing Road) for installation of fiber optics and a powerline, and for access to USDA Forest Service, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU) land for construction of a cell tower and supporting facilities; 2) a permanent 20-foot-wide easement with AT&T along the Existing Road; and 3) a permanent 20-foot-wide utility easement with Liberty Utilities along the Existing Road.
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) consideration: categorical exemption
(Resolution 21-06-04)
e. Environmentally Sensitive Land Acquisition (action): Consideration and possible authorization to acquire a parcel located at 1450 Boca Raton Drive in El Dorado County (El Dorado County AN 033-223-006) for up to $35,000.
CEQA consideration: categorial exemption
(Resolution 21-06-05)
3. Executive Director’s Report
- Budget and Funding Update
4. Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda
5. Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act Training (discussion only):
The California Attorney General’s Office will provide a training to the Conservancy Board on the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act.
6. Chair’s Report
7. Griff Creek Bridge Construction and Restoration Project (action):
Consideration and possible authorization of the Griff Creek Bridge Construction and Restoration Project (Project), including providing up to $150,000 to the LTBMU to construct the Griff Creek Bridge on Conservancy land (Placer County ANs 090-020-007 and
090-020-008) and executing all other agreements as necessary in support of the Project.
CEQA consideration: categorical exemption
(Resolution 21-06-06)
8. Conservancy Tahoe Livable Communities Program Update (discussion only):
Discuss the status of the Conservancy Tahoe Livable Communities Program, including Conservancy asset lands in the City of South Lake Tahoe, Meyers, and Kings Beach; property acquisitions; and land bank transactions.
9. Fiscal Year 2021/22 Program Authorization (action):
Consideration and possible authorization to expend up to $3,938,000 in fiscal year 2021/22 to support the Conservancy’s day-to-day program operations.
CEQA consideration: not applicable
(Resolution 21-06-07)
10. Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda
11. Board Member Comment
12. Adjourn
Schedule/General Meeting Information: Agenda items may be taken out of sequence at the discretion of the Conservancy Board Chair. Items are numbered for identification purposes and will not necessarily be considered in this order. Members of the public intending to comment on agenda and non-agenda items may be asked to use the meeting sign-in sheet before the start of the meeting. The Board Chair may limit the amount of time allocated for public comment on particular issues and for each individual speaker. All Board materials, such as Board books and Board packets, exhibits, PowerPoint presentations, and agenda materials, are hereby made a part of the record for the appropriate item.
Discussion Items: Discussion items or tours involve staff presentations and updates; no Board action will be taken. (Gov. Code, § 11122.)
Consent Items: Consent items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. Recommendations will ordinarily be acted on without discussion. If any Board member, staff member, or other interested party or member of the public requests discussion of a consent item, it may be removed from consent and taken up in the regular agenda order, or in an order determined by the Board Chair.
Use of Electronic Devices: Board members accessing their laptops, phones, or other electronic devices may use the equipment during the meeting to view the meeting materials which are provided in electronic format. Any use of these devices for direct communication employed by a majority of the members of a state body to develop a collective concurrence as to action to be taken on an item is prohibited.
Recording: Conservancy Board meetings are recorded electronically.
Cover photo taken by Conservancy staff
*Privacy Notice: The California Tahoe Conservancy is requesting this information to accommodate your request to provide a public comment during a Conservancy Board meeting. You are not required to submit this information in order to join the meeting. Electronically collected personal information such as this is exempt from requests made pursuant to the California Public Records Act. For more information on how we care for your personal information, please read our Privacy Policy and Use Policy.
Board meeting materials
Public Participation
Board Information
Board Members
The Tahoe Conservancy Board is comprised of eight members – seven voting and one ex-officio. Meet our Board members.
Contact Info
Clerk of the Board
(530) 543-6000