California Tahoe Conservancy Board meeting

February 1, 2023

Meeting Agenda


Wednesday, February 1, 2023 at 9:30 a.m.

Location: Lake Tahoe Community College (LTCC)
1 College Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
(Location details provided below)

Join the meeting in person at LTCC:
The Board meeting will be conducted in person in LTCC’s Lisa Maloff University Center, rooms U112 and U113. Members of the public may join the meeting in person. Please see the LTCC campus map and driving directions, available at: (the meeting will be held in the building labeled “12”).

Public participation: The public is welcome to participate in the meeting by observing and providing comments. You may provide written comments prior to the Board meeting by sending an email to During the meeting, you may provide oral comments in person. You can find additional information on public participation and ways to provide public comment on the Conservancy website at

1. Roll Call

2. Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda

3. Conservancy Board Community Engagement Training (discussion only):

The Equity and Wellness Institute (EqWI) will facilitate a 90-minute training session designed to strengthen the Board’s understanding of how institutions can meaningfully address inequities, with a focus on community engagement in the Lake Tahoe Basin. In this training, the Board will become acquainted with the research that EqWI has conducted to date and explore models and best practices used by other government agencies to become trusted, responsive institutions for their constituents.

4. Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act Training (discussion only):

The California Attorney General’s Office will provide a training to the Board on the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act.

5. Conservancy Chair and Vice-Chair Election (action):

Nomination and election of the Conservancy Chair and Vice-Chair.

CEQA consideration: not applicable

6. Board Member Comment

7. Adjourn

Schedule/General Meeting Information: Agenda items may be taken out of sequence at the discretion of the Conservancy Board Chair. Items are numbered for identification purposes and will not necessarily be considered in this order. Members of the public intending to comment on agenda and non-agenda items may be asked to use the meeting sign-in sheet before the start of the meeting. The Board Chair may limit the amount of time allocated for public comment on particular issues and for each individual speaker. All Board materials, such as Board books and Board packets, exhibits, PowerPoint presentations, and agenda materials, are hereby made a part of the record for the appropriate item.

Discussion Items: Discussion items or tours involve staff presentations and updates; no Board action will be taken. (Gov. Code, § 11122.)

Meeting materials: Meeting materials will be available on the Conservancy website in advance of the meeting. Hard copies will also be available at the meeting. For additional information, please contact the Conservancy at or (530) 542-5580.

Reasonable accommodation: Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting should contact the Conservancy at or (530) 542-5580 no later than five (5) working days prior to the meeting.

Use of Electronic Devices: Board members accessing their laptops, phones, or other electronic devices may use the equipment during the meeting to view the meeting materials which are provided in electronic format. Any use of these devices for direct communication employed by a majority of the members of a state body to develop a collective concurrence as to action to be taken on an item is prohibited.

Recording: Conservancy Board meetings are recorded electronically.

Board Information

Board Members

The Tahoe Conservancy Board is comprised of eight members – seven voting and one ex-officio. Meet our Board members.

Contact Info
(530) 542-5580

Procedures and Guidance

Conservancy Board Procedures

Virtual Board Meeting Guidance