California Tahoe Conservancy Board meeting
December 15, 2022
Meeting Agenda
Thursday, December 15, 2022 at 9:30 a.m.
Location: Virtual Board Meeting – Zoom Webinar
(Information provided below)
The California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy) will broadcast this Board meeting virtually via the Zoom Webinar platform, with an option to connect by phone. Members of the public may join the meeting via the following:
Join the meeting using Zoom Webinar:
Join the meeting by telephone: (669) 900-6833, (719) 359-4580, (253) 215-8782, (346) 248-7799, (669) 444-9171, (689) 278-1000, (929) 205- 6099, (301) 715-8592, (309) 205-3325, (312) 626-6799, (360) 209-5623, (386) 347-5053, (507) 473-4847, (564) 217-2000, or (646) 931-3860
The webinar ID is 834 5111 5962.
Public participation: The public is welcome to participate in the meeting by observing and providing comments. You may provide written comments prior to the Board meeting by sending an email to During the meeting, you may provide oral comments virtually via the Zoom Webinar platform. You can find additional information on public participation and ways to provide public comment on the Conservancy website at
1. Roll Call
2. Consent Items
a. Approval of September Minutes (action) (Resolution 22-12-01)
3. Executive Director’s Report
4. Chair’s Report
5. California Department of Transportation South Lake Tahoe Safety Project Easements, Transfer of Jurisdiction, and Right of Entry Agreement (action):
Consideration and possible authorization of the following two resolutions:
- Resolution 22-12-02, to,
- Execute a right of entry agreement with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) allowing temporary access to Conservancy-owned property (El Dorado County Assessment Numbers (AN) 023-241-022, 023-241-023, and 023-231-003) for the construction of lighting improvements and underground electrical conduit along U.S. Highway 50;
- Execute a transfer of jurisdiction agreement with Caltrans for 415 square feet of the Conservancy’s Urgent Care parcel (AN 023-241-022) for Caltrans to maintain the underground electrical conduit in perpetuity; and
- Execute permanent easements with the City of South Lake Tahoe to maintain the lighting improvements on ANs 023-241-022, 023-241-023, and 023-231-003 in perpetuity.
Caltrans will compensate the Conservancy for $5,900 for the transfer of jurisdiction and easements on ANs 023-241-022, 023-241-023, and 023-231-003.
- Resolution 22-12-03, to authorize the Tahoe Resource Conservation District (Tahoe RCD) to enter into an easement agreement on a portion of the Tahoe RCD-owned Johnson Meadow property (AN 031-020-050) pursuant to acquisition grant requirements.
CEQA consideration: review the South Lake Tahoe Safety Project Initial Study/ Negative Declaration, adopted by Caltrans.
6. Pioneer Trail/U.S. Highway 50 Intersection Safety Improvements Project Short Term License Agreement and Permanent Easements (action):
Consideration and possible authorization to execute the following with El Dorado County to facilitate the Pioneer Trail/US Highway 50 Intersection Safety Improvement Project:
- A short-term license agreement allowing construction activities and removal and restoration of an existing bike trail on Conservancy property (ANs 034-270-041, 034-270-055, and 034-270-056).
- Two permanent easements allowing the construction, operation, and maintenance of permanent elements of the Pioneer Trail/US Highway 50 Intersection Safety Improvement Project on Conservancy property (ANs 034-270-041 and 034-270-055).
CEQA consideration: review the Pioneer Trail/US Highway 50 Intersection Safety Improvement Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, adopted by El Dorado County and possible adoption of a mitigation monitoring and reporting program.
(Resolution 22-12-04)
7. Environmentally Sensitive Land Acquisition – Motel 6 and Knox Johnson Parcels (Update) (action):
Consideration and possible authorization of: (1) an update to the previously authorized (under Resolution 21-11-06) acquisition of AN 031-290-037 and AN 031-290-039 or portions thereof, and subsequent demolition and site stabilization, for an increased amount of up to $18 million; (2) acceptance of a grant of $1.5 million from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to support the acquisition; and (3) potential acceptance of a grant from the Wildlife Conservation Board and other potential grants to support the acquisition.
CEQA consideration: previously analyzed – categorial exemption
(Resolution 22-12-05)
8. Forestry Program Update (discussion only):
Provide an overview of the Conservancy’s Forestry Program 2022 activities and 2023 priorities that help advance the 2019 Lake Tahoe Basin Forest Action Plan and the Forestry Program Guidelines, adopted in November 2021. The activities include completing on-the-ground treatments on both Conservancy and Basin partner lands, participating and providing leadership in collaborative initiatives, and entering into both outgoing and incoming grants and agreements to carry out Conservancy and partner work.
9. Lake Tahoe Destination Stewardship Plan Update (discussion only):
Fifteen partners, including the Conservancy, are developing the regional Destination Stewardship Plan (Plan) to address changing visitor patterns and destination management in the Lake Tahoe Basin. This discussion will provide a status update as to the planning process and an overview of next steps for development of the Plan.
10. Board Member Comment
11. Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda
12. Adjourn
Schedule/General Meeting Information: Agenda items may be taken out of sequence at the discretion of the Conservancy Board Chair. Items are numbered for identification purposes and will not necessarily be considered in this order. Members of the public intending to comment on agenda and non-agenda items may be asked to use the meeting sign-in sheet before the start of the meeting. The Board Chair may limit the amount of time allocated for public comment on particular issues and for each individual speaker. All Board materials, such as Board books and Board packets, exhibits, PowerPoint presentations, and agenda materials, are hereby made a part of the record for the appropriate item.
Discussion Items: Discussion items or tours involve staff presentations and updates; no Board action will be taken. (Gov. Code, § 11122.)
Consent Items: Consent items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. Recommendations will ordinarily be acted on without discussion. If any Board member, staff member, or other interested party or member of the public requests discussion of a consent item, it may be removed from consent and taken up in the regular agenda order, or in an order determined by the Board Chair.
Meeting materials: Meeting materials will be available on the Conservancy website in advance of the meeting. Hard copies will also be available at the meeting. For additional information, please contact the Conservancy at or (530) 542-5580.
Technical assistance: For technical assistance in joining the meeting by telephone or Zoom Webinar link, please contact the Conservancy at or (530) 543-6028.
Reasonable accommodation: Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting should contact the Conservancy at or (530) 542-5580 no later than five (5) working days prior to the meeting.
Use of Electronic Devices: Board members accessing their laptops, phones, or other electronic devices may use the equipment during the meeting to view the meeting materials which are provided in electronic format. Any use of these devices for direct communication employed by a majority of the members of a state body to develop a collective concurrence as to action to be taken on an item is prohibited.
Recording: Conservancy Board meetings are recorded electronically.
Cover photo by California Tahoe Conservancy
Board meeting materials
Public Participation
Board Information
Board Members
The Tahoe Conservancy Board is comprised of eight members – seven voting and one ex-officio. Meet our Board members.
Contact Info
(530) 542-5580