Lake Tahoe Beaches
Despite its popularity as a recreational destination, public access to Lake Tahoe’s shoreline has historically been limited by the number of private lakefront developments. In 1971, only 13.5 miles of Lake Tahoe’s 72 miles of shoreline were in public ownership. That figure has more than doubled to 34 miles, including Conservancy (and Conservancy-funded) land acquisitions that converted former private developments to public beaches. Along with establishing access to these beaches, the Conservancy helps to ensure all people will have permanent public access to Tahoe’s shoreline.

Conservancy Beaches
The Conservancy owns six public beaches on the north shore, together representing decades of work to acquire lakefront property for the public. In addition to their benefits for recreation and as public gathering spaces, the Conservancy undertook restorations at these properties that resulted in improvements to water quality, wildlife habitat, and open space. We partner with California State Parks, concessionaires, and businesses to maintain each beach.
Recreation Details
Parking and access are free at Conservancy beaches. Visit tahoepublicbeaches.org for details and directions to these and many other public beaches around Lake Tahoe.
Conservancy-Supported Partner Beaches
Through its grant programs, the Conservancy has contributed funds to Lake Tahoe Basin partners to acquire and improve lakefront properties for the public to experience and enjoy. Examples of Conservancy-funded partner projects include: